It just takes a first step. A first step towards the life you’ve always envisioned. 

Your transformation awaits you. Your “ah-ha moment” -when you realize something you never knew and gain the insight YOU need to make the actual change. I will come alongside you, and help to strengthen you to overcome decision fatigue, emotional instability, and loneliness. 

I’ve been in your shoes. It is my deepest desire to walk alongside you. 

You know...

Living Vine Counseling

Imagine if you didn’t need an external substance, like drugs or alcohol to relax at the end of the day or get through a stressful work day? 

Imagine if you woke up and appreciated your body and was able to nourish it in the way that it needed?

Imagine if the behaviors that weren’t working for you were gone and you were able to make choices that added to your well-being and overall health?

From day to day and moment to moment you had peace, insight, and felt empowered with what to do next? 

Imagine if...

“I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

John 10:10

You’ve tried talking to friends, pastors, family, and mentors. You realize you need something different. You need someone with an outside perspective and someone who has ACTUALLY been where you are, who transformed out of those behaviors, thoughts, and feelings, and now lives with greater truth and power. 

You’re tired of the shame and guilt of never feeling good enough 


You want to get control of your emotions and experience self-control 


You want a relationship where you can be yourself, bravely share your shortcomings, and come up with a practical plan to overcome


You’ve tried traditional counseling and it’s fallen short for you


This relationship is for you if...


Eating Disorders
Faith and spiritual development 
Emotional and mental wellbeing 
Interpersonal Relationships/Boundaries work

An inner healing session involves prayer and experiencing the presence of Jesus as major components of the process. Inner healing sessions are different from a traditional therapy appointment in that we have the privilege of asking God to be an active participant in the process. Through prayer and asking God to speak to us through memory retrival and visualization, we are partnering with Him and asking Him to be the healer and revealor of truth. Oftentimes, God will still use me as a shepherd and comforter as you heal from past hurts, but in inner healing I take a more passive role as a guide than I do in a traditional counseling session. 

Inner Healing

Traditional Therapy

These sessions involve verbal processing and relational engagement in addition to provision of therapeutic tools and coping skills to support the client in their healing journey. Deep soul work is engaged and will often include inner child work, identification of false belief systems, and unburdening of heavy emotions. 

Therapy Approaches I Offer

Starts at $167/hour

Each counseling relationship will vary by your needs

60 minute session
90 minute session
8 session package 

Investment Options

I view inner child work as understanding that our soul is made up of a multiple of memories and experiences that have shaped and formed the person we are today. When we engage our inner child, we are asking God to show us an aspect of our past self that needs love, care, and attention. Often there has been a breach in connection from this aspect of our soul and we get to invite God into those places of trauma and pain to restore connection to self, God, and eventually others. Healing our inner child parts results in us feeling most like our true selves and allows us to live out of our God-given identity to our fullest potential. 

What is inner child work?

It really depends! Because each of our stories are unique and different and because we are holistic beings-mind, body, soul, and spirit, it varies for each individual. Sometimes breakthrough occurs in one session and sometimes it will take multiple sessions. We are also relational beings and although I believe in miraculous one-time healings, I also believe God wants to work in a relational way and that often involves a journey and a process. 

How long will it take me to get free?

Absolutely! This is really an ideal combination because you are learning practical tools for your emotional and mental health, while also doing the deep spirit/soul work under the leadership of Jesus. 

Can I combine an inner healing and regular therapy session?

The major difference between these two approaches is that an inner healing session puts Father/Jesus/Holy Spirit as the leader of the session. Through prayer and asking for God’s perspective on things, we hear from Him and allow Him to be our guide. Inner healing sessions are not for you if you don’t consider Jesus Lord or if you are a Christian but need to start with unpacking your view or perception of God, self, or others first. 

How do I know if I should do an inner healing session or regular therapy session?

Got questions?

My ultimate desire is for you to find lasting freedom and experience the abundant life God promises you. I want to see you live in victory from whatever brought you into counseling whether it be anxiety, fear, relational issues, addiction, or emotional turmoil. It is my job to partner with the Holy Spirit and provide a relational approach as we ask God for insight regarding your situation, emotional burden, or thoughts and perceptions of yourself, God, and others. My role will look a little different depending on if you chose counseling, inner healing, or coaching. In all three approaches, you are the driver and decision-maker in your journey. It is your will and decision to say “Yes” to the emotional, mental, and spiritual work that initites and propels the healing. 

What is your role as my therapist/coach?

Counseling, inner healing, and coaching provide solutions to get you closer to the life you want to be living. Counseling is for you if you are needing a safe place to verbally process a situation or you notice you are dealing with an emotional, mental, or spiritual issue that you feel stuck in. Counseling is also for you if you want to enrich your connection to self, God, and others. Therapy and inner healing is mostly focused on a past or present experience that is preventing you from stepping into the person or the future that you want to grow into. Coaching is present/future oriented and includes more goal setting and creation of actionable solutions to future goals. They focus more on problem-solving and identifying barriers to get the outcomes a client desires.

How do I know if counseling or coaching is for me?

I can't wait to walk beside you.

I’m an outdoor enthusiast, avid reader, lover of people and animals, and a coffee lover! I’m obsessed with living life to the fullest and helping others live their most authentic, satisfying, truth-filled life. It is my mission and purpose in this life to partner with the Holy Spirit to set you free from addiction, anxiety, and any unwanted behavior in your life that is keeping you from living the life you want. My passion is identity work and working within a holistic framework to help you understand how you are a spirit, you live in a soul, and you have a body. 

I am a therapist, wife, mother, friend, and fierce lover of Jesus.

Hi, I'm Kim!

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Living Vine Counseling