But now, O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; and all of us are the work of your hand. Is 64:8
Our Papa formed us in the garden. As a new creations in Christ, the reality of this new identity is coming into focus and experienced as we remain on the potters’ wheel of life. We try to go our own way, to create our own life, and yet He draws us time and time again back to where we belong- in His hands. Creation and Creator. There is no where we can escape His presence. If we make our bed in the depths (sheol), He is there (Ps. 139:8). The question is will we respond to His love invitation to be made into the image of Christ? Life is not about the destination, but the journey. The journey to being FORMED into His image, from glory to glory. He already, in love predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ (Eph 1:5). God formed us in our mother’s womb, and He continues to form us and shape us and use our circumstances and human relationships to do so. In His divine wisdom and goodness, He knows what He is doing.
We come to Him and it’s His nature as our Potter to shape us into the image of His Son. A unique piece of pottery. As image bearers we all reflect different aspects of Him. My three children reflect different aspects of my husband and I. Paul uses the metaphor of an arm not being able to say to the leg, I don’t need you. We all are different and we all need each other. This is interdependence.
However, we must all go through our individual formation process. Individual formation is necessary for group transformation.
The Holy Spirit showed me a picture of many of us sitting on the potters wheel. I believe many of us are being individually formed in a deep way so we may fit together as living stones to be a holy priesthood unto God. It’s individual and corporate.
We are His workmanship. Does the clay say to the potter, “What are you making? Does your work say He has no hands”? (Is 45:9). Are we able to get to a place where we surrender to the forming and the shaping no matter if it hurts a little bit? The beauty of the pain is that God is actually removing the false identities and the impurities of our old nature. Just because it is familiar doesn’t mean it’s who we are. The removal is for our good and trusting our Creator is the beauty of beholding Him and letting go of control knowing that He is the potter and we are the clay. The pain can be prolonged sometimes due to our fears of letting go of old habits, behaviors, mindsets, or identities. He wants to be a garment of praise for our heaviness and He wants to give us joy that supersedes any circumstance even in the reshaping and reforming. Yielding and surrendering produce joy. He’s a good artist and always creates beauty. The enemy is the one inflicts pain to kill, steal, and destroy. Pain inflicted by him will never bear fruit, but the pain of letting go of false identifies or illusions of control will always bear fruit.
Individually and corporately we are feeling the pressure of His hands smoothing out the bumps. We feel Him adjusting our shape as He may be transitioning our function from one use to another.
I felt Him saying what worked in one season won’t work in the next. Some of you have been bowls and I’m now forming you into a pitcher. I’m forming you again. Will you submit to my Hand? I’ll do it. You need only rest and trust in me.
I can’t wait to show you and tell you many things as you trust me like a little child. Your will, married to mine.
I’m a good Potter. I’m your dad and I love you.
Do you trust me?
Will you let me mold you into an instrument for noble use? (2 Tim 2:20)